Thursday, February 8, 2018

My New Blog

Happy New Year!  Happy New Blog!

It's been a while since I posted but that doesn't mean I haven't been busy!  I have been quilting but I have also been travelling, enjoying the summer with my grandkids and ....... planning an update to my blog design.  I loved my original blog but it was time to give it an update so it worked more efficiently for me.  I decided to use a blog designer this time so for my birthday in November, I started the process.

I wanted a way to share my quilting activities but also a way to keep all my quilting "lists" in one place.  So now I have a place to journal, to track my PIGs, WIPs, UFOs and maintain a wish list.  It  will take some time to get all of that info into the blog but I do have several quilt projects to share which I will do shortly.   There is also a separate page to organize my special projects.
I am very excited to get started!

The design process went incredibly well.  I worked with Rebekah Louise Designs to pick a color scheme, font type, font color, pictures, icons and layout.  Everything I chose was added to a Pinterest board for her to see.  I would highly recommend her to anyone thinking of a setting up a new blog or updating one they already use. There is a link in the footer at the bottom of the page to reach her.

Well, enough for now.  I need to spend some time to add my recent quilting projects and share them with you.  I do have something to share with you now though, a new quilting term that I learned while exploring other blogs for ideas - NIPs.  I have lots of these - New in Package!

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