Tuesday, April 17, 2018

APQ 2018 February UFO

I decided to do the 2018 UFO Challenge this year.  I did this challenge in 2016 and finished 12 UFO projects.  It felt really good to get those projects off my plate.  I had a busy schedule planned for 2017 and did not continue the challenge.  At the end of 2017, I organized my sewing areas and found a few lot of unfinished projects that would work well for the UFO challenge and so it started.

The January UFO was actually the quilt I started for my sister (Sister's Surprise).  I wanted the post to be more about my sister rather than the challenge so it is identified that way.  It was already started so it was my newest UFO but a UFO nonetheless.  My next eleven UFO posts will be identified that way.  This is what I finished for February.

When I assembled the next eleven projects for the challenge, I just listed them on the challenge form in no particular order.  The number is drawn on the first of each month and I pull that project from the pile.  In February, the number chosen was # 9, a floral table runner that I started in a class in May of 2002 - yes, 2002.  The pattern used in the class was for the Waterwheel Tablerunner.  My favorite colors of the time were pinks and greens.  Working on this project again after all those years really brought me back in time!  I was really happy to finish this one and use it on my dining room table.  It brings a touch of spring to this room!


Runner 77" x 22"

Rosebud backing fabric

Waterwheel block

 This was a great project, especially since it is 77 inches long!