UFO project #10 is another oldie but goodie. This APQ challenge involves 12 UFO projects listed on a form that was submitted to APQ last December. The projects were listed from 1 to 12. Every first of the month starting with January 2016, APQ pulled a number out of a hat (that's just how I imagine they did it but chances are the use a random number generator - not as magical) and published the number on their site. I have my own preferences for the choice each month, because, of course, I know what it will take to complete each one and depending on my free time and scheduling, I know the level of difficulty each project will present. I did a happy dance when number 10 was chosen for this month's UFO.

The project used "Not Your Grandmother's Tumbling Blocks" pattern by Marcia L. Baker. This is a strip-pieced method of making tumbling blocks. I love this block but the thought of making the block with Y seams was overwhelming at the stage of quilting I was in then. I loved the pattern booklet, it was very well done and easy to follow, even for a beginner.
This project gave me a bit of a break, and I thank the quilting gods for that! This is again a project for a class I took at Bittersweet Designs in Washington Crossing PA. This was a wonderful shop and I started my quilting journey there. I took a sampler quilt class and thought I had gotten in way over my head but I had good friends who got me through the tough beginning. My completed sampler quilt is often used on my bed. Unfortunately, this shop closed several years after this class. I have many fond memories of this place!
But I took this class to learn the tumbling blocks pattern but from strip sets and not from sewing Y seams. I thought I had jumped from the frying pan into the fire! But I did finish the two sessions of the class, but not the project! I still have the original class instructions and I was flabbergasted to see that the dates of my class were 9/11 and 10/2 -of 1999! 1999! So, after 17 years, this one is finally done and in use!
These pictures show how it looked in early October. It was in fairly good shape and really just needed a row or two more, batting, quilting and binding. I was surprised I stored it in a place I could find it easily! And looking at it 17 years later, I was pleasantly surprised at how nicely my seams matched! I can only imagine how long I took to get those points to match!
So, here is the finished product. It was machine quilted and the binding was hand sewn down, both by me. Since I used Christmas fabrics, (I have no idea why other than the class was given in September - did I tell you it was 1999?), I must have had thought I could finish it for Christmas. As I think of it now, I actually AM finishing it for Christmas, just not the one I had in mind!
The original plan was to make a wall hanging. As you can see, it ended up as a table runner and fits perfectly on my foyer table. It just made sense to reduce the size to something that I would get more use out of compared to a wall hanging.
So, onto the project for November. This one is a larger lap quilt in Civil War fabrics using the monkey wrench block. Another oldie, ready to be completed!